Rituals for Earthly Survival Layering In Creative Discovery Weekend

Layering In the Compost at the Creative Discovery Summer School

For the second stage in our creative composting process, Layering-in, we came together at Groundlings Theatre for a two-day creative discovery summer school. The weekend saw some thirty creatives take part in sound, video, scenic art and movement workshops. At the end of the weekend, we collaborated on an improvised performance which drew on all the different disciplines the participants had been exploring over the weekend.

Yumino Seki, a UK-based dance artist, led workshops that explored the transformative nature of the body through Butoh, a form of Japanese dance theatre. Participants were guided to delve into self-expression through movement, focusing on the body’s potential for change and expression.

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Rusty Sheriff, an expert in sound design, conducted sessions where participants were introduced to the world of immersive soundscapes. He taught them how to manipulate sound to enhance storytelling, creating atmospheric environments that enriched the creative experience.

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Kim Balouch, a video artist, facilitated workshops on video projection and installation art. She guided participants through the process of creating compelling video pieces that interacted with their environment, exploring themes of light, space, and narrative.

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Alice Kristina Rose, a costume and scenic artist, led hands-on workshops in scenography. She taught participants how to design and create costumes, props, and sets, guiding them through the creative process from concept to realization, bringing stories to life through visual artistry.

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The debriefing sessions at the end of each day reflected on the process of blending various creative practices, with a focus on composting ideas, materials, and techniques into a cohesive and transformative performance. Participants highlighted the importance of collaboration, experimentation, and the organic development of ideas through workshops that integrated elements like visual art, sound, and physical movement. There was a strong emphasis on inclusivity and the accessibility of the creative process, encouraging even those without prior experience to participate and contribute. The discussions also touched on the challenges of balancing creative spontaneity with structure, ensuring that the final performance would be both meaningful and engaging for the audience.

The weekend’s activities culminated in a shared sense of achievement and anticipation for the future, with plans to refine and build upon the work in upcoming workshops and performances. Leading us to the next stage of our creative composting process; heating up the compost and turning it. Stay tuned for further updates.

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